Saturday, January 21, 2023

Just For Today January 21 Bharat Vansh Nasha Mukti Kendra

 January 21, 2023

                         Bharat Vansh Nasha Mukti Kendra

                                      Just For Today

                       Today's Topic: Unity And Uniformity

 "Unity is a must in Narcotics Anonymous. 
                                                                                        Basic Text.

Meaning: you are taking Narcotics Anonymous meetings or you went to some rehab  or some nasha mukti kendra for leaving your addiction and be clean and ready to start your recovery. what the most important thing there needed is Unity .what is unity staying together in nasha mukti kendra let us learn unity doing any work together and helping each others is unity. in nasha mukti kendra they won't treat you with medicine they treat with the help of other addicts.


Unity is not uniformity. Unity springs from the fact that we have unity of purpose-to recover, and to help others stay clean. Even so, we often find that while we strive to fulfill the same purpose, our means and methods may be radically different.

In Simple Words: unity is a procedure is staying together in good and bad time doesn't matter what the situation is the Narcotic Anonymous or Nasha Mukti Kendra Member make unity to fight and help each other. Unity does not mean uniformity it is a fact of helping others like us to stay recover by encouraging them telling them they are not different. but same as an addict do sharing with them in nasha mukti kendra there is a session of sharing where addicts share their guilts with other addicts and the promise is that no one can talk about it outside the nasha mukti kendra which makes the person who is sharing his guilts feel relaxed because when we are in addiction no one is interested in listening our talks and we feel alone but here in nasha mukti kendra we get a bunch of people like us to share that guilts and feel free and it helps us to recover.

We can't impose our ideas of unity on others or confuse unity with uniformity. In fact, a big attraction of the NA program is the absence of uniformity. Unity springs from our common purpose, not from standards imposed on the group by a few well-meaning members. A group that has the unity which springs from the loving hearts of its members allows each addict to carry the message in his or her own unique way.

In Simple Words: we cannot force someone to be in unity as Narcotic anonymous or nasha mukti kendra run a program to make addicts life easier and addiction free but few people confuse unity with uniformity what does uniformity mean a way of living forcefully but no in nasha mukti kendra there is no uniformity there is unity to help addicts no well-being member of nasha mukti kendra will force you to do anything they encourage you to do things with love, care and concern . the group of people in nasha mukti kendra is loving heart persons who want to help each and every addict as much as they can as they also suffers from the diseases of addiction and they had faced a lot of problem during there addiction so they want that if someone is new comer and just started their addiction can stop it as soon as possible so they will not face the same problems like homelessness, financial problems, physical problem, mentally illness, spiritual bankruptcy and many more. they helps addict in unique ways.

                          Beautiful Message For Today

I will strive to be a part of unity. I know that unity does not equal uniformity.

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