Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Someone Asked A Question Us Do All Patient Stay Together in Nasha Mukti Kendra Or Nasha Mukti Center?


         Bharat Vansh Nasha Mukti Kendra


Question: Do All Patient Stay Together in Nasha Mukti Kendra Or Nasha Mukti Center?

Answer: Yes In Rehab, Rehabilitation Center, Nasha Mukti Kendra And Nasha Mukti Center all the patient stay together and do various activity. as during our addiction we are doing a lot of things alone and preffered to stay alone and cut ourselves from the world and started isolation for ourselves but does it work in keeping us tension free or we are getting into a problem. so what are the benefits of staying together in nasha mukti kendra or nasha mukti center. there are lot of benefits of staying with other addicts in nasha mukti kendra or nasha mukti center we learn a lot from those addict that we are not one who are facing those problem and the reason behind those issue the reason is same our addiction as everyone in nasha mukti center or nasha mukti kendra have utmost same story and same issue which we had faced in our past and then we started thinking that its not only us which we thought during our addiction.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

SomeOne Asked Us A Question About Nasha Mukti Kendra

                Bharat Vansh Rehabilitation

                         Someone Asked This Question   


What are the benefits of having better rehabilitation centers for inmates once they leave prison?


After leaving prison one must go to rehabilitation center or nasha mukti kendra as their addiction makes them different their behaviour is changed after their substance of addiction or we say choice of drug in rehab language or nasha mukti kendra language the person get violent, impatient, arrogant his/her tolerance level goes to zero and after taking their choice of drugs these behaviour changes let them do something which is against law like arguments, fights or breaking some other laws for thrilling their life which take them again in police station and bingo they are again visiting prison soon so if they want to live a normal life like others they must go to rehab and take treatment.

Bharat Vansh Nasha Mukti kendra Helps you in getting a path of recovery from your addiction.

as earlier there addiction taken them to prison never let the incident happen again because after getting back from prison they are not gonna leave things easily either they are more arrogant and offensive which insist them to do some sort of crime and go back to prison.

Benefits Of  Sending Them In Rehab/Nasha Mukti Center or Nasha Mukti Kendra.

1.In prison they felt alone and get negative thoughts about everything and started making plans of taking revenge or doing worst then last time this time and the surrounding under prison are also not good they also encourage him/him with negativity and made their mind negative about everything so they cannot heal and goes under negative path after coming out.

But In Nasha Mukti Center or Nasha Mukti Kendra

but if you send them to rehab/nasha mukti center or nasha mukti kendra there we met people who are suffering from same issue and they are not criminals or prisoners they are there with their wish to recover their life from addiction named diseases so the person got a good accompany there and it helps them in making their mind think positive and they feel relaxed the environment in nasha mukti kendra/ nasha mukti center or rehab are very much lovable and helpful as their addicts help addicts to choose the path of recovery they made a environment of unity and give always positive advice and made the person thinking too much positive about their life, their physical appearance, their mentally obsession and spiritual bankruptcy and the person started controlling their arrogant and impatient nature.

2. Acceptance As in Prison The Person though that he/she is not wrong or did anything wrong and always blaming others for their situation in which they are under prision.

But In Nasha Mukti Center or Nasha Mukti Kendra

In nasha mukti kendra or nasha mukti center people work with the patient and learn them how to get rid of problems and issues by doing acceptance if you stop accepting your faults you always stay in deep thinking and fight in yourself against your mind and what people talk about you sometime your mind feels you are right and sometime it say you did wrong because you still didn't accepted that you did it wrong so most of the time you keep thinking about that which get you in deep depression but if you accept your fault it makes you feel free under any circumstance as you did surrender against that allegation or your fault and it helps you mentally 


Just For Today January 21 Bharat Vansh Nasha Mukti Kendra

 January 21, 2023

                         Bharat Vansh Nasha Mukti Kendra

                                      Just For Today

                       Today's Topic: Unity And Uniformity

 "Unity is a must in Narcotics Anonymous. 
                                                                                        Basic Text.

Meaning: you are taking Narcotics Anonymous meetings or you went to some rehab  or some nasha mukti kendra for leaving your addiction and be clean and ready to start your recovery. what the most important thing there needed is Unity .what is unity staying together in nasha mukti kendra let us learn unity doing any work together and helping each others is unity. in nasha mukti kendra they won't treat you with medicine they treat with the help of other addicts.


Unity is not uniformity. Unity springs from the fact that we have unity of purpose-to recover, and to help others stay clean. Even so, we often find that while we strive to fulfill the same purpose, our means and methods may be radically different.

In Simple Words: unity is a procedure is staying together in good and bad time doesn't matter what the situation is the Narcotic Anonymous or Nasha Mukti Kendra Member make unity to fight and help each other. Unity does not mean uniformity it is a fact of helping others like us to stay recover by encouraging them telling them they are not different. but same as an addict do sharing with them in nasha mukti kendra there is a session of sharing where addicts share their guilts with other addicts and the promise is that no one can talk about it outside the nasha mukti kendra which makes the person who is sharing his guilts feel relaxed because when we are in addiction no one is interested in listening our talks and we feel alone but here in nasha mukti kendra we get a bunch of people like us to share that guilts and feel free and it helps us to recover.

We can't impose our ideas of unity on others or confuse unity with uniformity. In fact, a big attraction of the NA program is the absence of uniformity. Unity springs from our common purpose, not from standards imposed on the group by a few well-meaning members. A group that has the unity which springs from the loving hearts of its members allows each addict to carry the message in his or her own unique way.

In Simple Words: we cannot force someone to be in unity as Narcotic anonymous or nasha mukti kendra run a program to make addicts life easier and addiction free but few people confuse unity with uniformity what does uniformity mean a way of living forcefully but no in nasha mukti kendra there is no uniformity there is unity to help addicts no well-being member of nasha mukti kendra will force you to do anything they encourage you to do things with love, care and concern . the group of people in nasha mukti kendra is loving heart persons who want to help each and every addict as much as they can as they also suffers from the diseases of addiction and they had faced a lot of problem during there addiction so they want that if someone is new comer and just started their addiction can stop it as soon as possible so they will not face the same problems like homelessness, financial problems, physical problem, mentally illness, spiritual bankruptcy and many more. they helps addict in unique ways.

                          Beautiful Message For Today

I will strive to be a part of unity. I know that unity does not equal uniformity.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Can A Drug Addict Get Fully Recover In Nasha Mukti Kendra.

Everyone Have A Question In Their Mind About Nasha Mukti Kendra or Rehabilitation Read This Blog To Get Few Of Things Which Helps The Addict Under Treatment In Nasha Mukti Kendra Or Rehabilitation Center.

 If you want to. The only advantage rehab gives you is time away from the drug and a period of forced abstinence. Mostly they give you a bunch of busy work that serves no purpose that I’ve ever seen. Choose carefully; some rehabs are way better than others. And don’t waste your time on a 30 day stay. Statistics show the value of a month to be zero as the success rates are the same as people that never went at all. And lastly if you’re drug of choice is meth than you should commit to a very minimum of 3 months and preferably 6–18 months. Opiates are the hardest to kick but Meth is the hardest to quit. Meth is the one most likely to get you to relapse even years later. I’ve met 3 people that crumbled after 13 years of sobriety. What a tragedy. Every day away from Meth it gets a sliver easier. Do not squander precious abstinence you have from meth. One single hit and you’ll immediately be smoking the next day and from then one again. When a person quits Meth the whole Time they are away Meth is doing push ups to get stronger so when you relapse it controls you. Meth can be like herpes, forever, but it doesn’t have to be

Nasha Mukti Kendra Usually Hits Their Best For Treating Your Loved One's.

an addict usually occurs alot of changes in them like:

1.Behaviour Change

2.Physical loss

3.Mentally Obsession

4.Spritiual Bankruptcy 

Bharat Vansh Nasha Mukti Kendra:

one of oldest nasha mukti kendra in noida serving people over 10 years in field and giving positive results in recovering patients . here in Bharat vansh Nasha Mukti Kendra  we take care of patient with love care and concern. not like other nasha mukti center or nasha mukti kendra we take your patient to a environment of hell which are doing by most of nasha mukti kendra or nasha mukti center these days which left an negative impact on patient mindset and sometimes an threat created over their mind of nasha mukti kendra and they live their rest of life in threat. not able to live happily and get relapse quickly.

Website: https://nashamukticenter.com 

Contact No:9990213007

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bharatvanshngo

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rehabilitationbharat/

Just For Today 20 January

January 20,2023

                                                    One Promise, Many Gifts

"Narcotics Anonymous offers only one promise, and that is freedom from active addiction..."
                                                                                                                                            Basic Text....

Imagine how it might be if we had arrived at the doors of Narcotics Anonymous, desperate, wanting to stop using drugs, only to be met by a sales pitch: "If you just work the steps and don't use drugs, you'll get married, live in the suburbs, have 2.6 children, and start wearing polyester.

In Simple Words:
Some fine day we just get rid of our drug addiction and decided to go to narcotics anonymous, Nasha Mukti Kendra, De-Addiction Center, Nasha Mukti Center and we just reached There and have a dedicated decision of stopping addiction . so there we just need to follow the 12 step Program Of Narcotics Anonymous It Helps us in stopping drugs and it shows effect on our daily routine life our relatives and surrounding find us non- addictive. getting married is easier now as we are non addictive now we start earning as our boss find us serious about work we started wearing good clothes and look decent.

You will become a responsible, productive member of society and be fit company for kings and presidents. You will be rich and have a dynamic career." Most of us, greeted with such a heavy-handed spiel, would have shrieked and bolted for the door.

In Simple Words:
You Feel That Now You feel responsive toward your responsibility. you started working and it helps your country economy as well as you fulfill your own need by your own as you started earning for yourself . you started working for your carrier .

Instead of high-pressure nonsense and frightening predictions, we are greeted with a promise of hope: freedom from active addiction. We feel a blessed relief come over us when we hear that we never have to use drugs again. We aren't going to be forced to become anything!

In Simple Words:
there is no pressure on you for any nonsense or high predictions of being a good person soon you just need to be ourself and not to show anybody that you stopped using drugs. Narcotics Anonymous, Rehabilitation Center, Nasha Mukti Kendra, Nasha Mukti Center promised you a hope of freedom addiction. we take a breathe of relief that we never gonna take drugs again and it blessed our life. and we ain't forced to be anything good and show ourselves to others.

Of course, after some time in recovery, good things start happening in our lives. We are given gifts-spiritual gifts, material gifts, gifts that we've always dreamed of but never dared hope we'd get.

In Simple Words:
When we started on our road of recovery we started getting good things started happening in our lives. we get gifts of which we aren't dreamed of during our addiction. people started encouraging us we get spiritual mindset and more on.

                                  Beautiful Message Just For Today

Just for Today: I have been promised freedom from active addiction. The gifts I receive are the benefits of recovery

Thursday, January 19, 2023

A Quick Survey About School Students Taking Drugs.



                             Bharat Vansh Rehabilitation Center

               A Quick Survey About School Students Taking Drugs Sudstance.

A 10-city survey covering nearly 6,000 school students from Class 8-12 during May 2021-June 2022 found over 10% students having indulged in substance use (ranging from inhalants, Cannabis, opioids to alcohol and tobacco) during the preceding year. It also showed that 1 in 14 students surveyed had used some substance in the preceding month.

While overall substance use was around 10.3%, substance wise break-up on use over one year showed that 4% used tobacco, followed by alcohol (3.8%), opioids 2.8% (opium, heroin and pharmaceutical opioids), Cannabis (Bhang, Charas and Ganja) by 2% and inhalants (1.9%)

Bharat vansh rehabilitation center find out most of the student are moving toward dry drug substance which pusing them toward selfishness and the hazardous effect of drugs darkness world. they started doing scam, spam, fraud, stealing to fullfill their drugs need. some of them get into debt and some of them lost their lives.

A study also suggested that if you take a step of sending your children who is suffering from addiction of drugs to rehab, rehabilitation, nasha mukti center, nasha mukti kendra in a early stage they can recover themselves from addiction otherwise its very tough to stop their addiction after their cross their teenage in Bharat vansh Rehabilitaion center. Where To Send Them.

Website: https://www.nashamukticenter.com

Contact No: 9990213007

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rehabilitationbharat/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bharatvanshngo

Just For Today 19 January

 Just For Today: It Means We Need To Be Clean For Today Only We Don't Need To Think About A Longer Period Of Recovery We Have To Leave Our Addiction Just For Today

                       Today's Topic: Making mountains into molehills

“When we stop living in the here and now, our problems become magnified unreasonably.”

Basic Text


Some of us seem to make mountains out of molehills with our problems.  Even those of us who’ve found some measure of serenity have probably blown a problem far out of proportion at some time in our recovery—and if we haven’t done so yet, we probably will before long!

When we find ourselves obsessed with a complication in our lives, we will do well to sharply remind ourselves of all that is going right.  Perhaps we’re afraid we won’t be able to pay our bills for the month.  Instead of sitting at the calculator, adding our financial liabilities over and over, we can take stock of our efforts to reduce expenses.  Following this mini-inventory, we continue with the task at hand and remind ourselves that as long as we are doing the footwork, a loving Higher Power will care for our lives.

Mountain-sized problems happen sometimes, but we don’t need to create them.  Trust in a loving God of our understanding will put most of our problems in their proper perspective.  We no longer need to create chaos to feel excited about our lives.  Our recovery gives us countless real-life opportunities for excitement and drama.


Just for today:  I will take a realistic look at my problems and see that most of them are minor.  I will leave them that way and enjoy my recovery

Website: https://nashamukticenter.com/

Contact No:9990213007

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bharatvanshngo

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rehabilitationbharat

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Bitter Truth About Alcoholism


Website: https://nashamukticenter.com/

Contact No:9990213007

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bharatvanshngo

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rehabilitationbharat/

Drinking too much can harm your health. Excessive alcohol use led to more than 140,000 deaths and 3.6 million years of potential life lost (YPLL) each year in the United States from 2015 – 2019, shortening the lives of those who died by an average of 26 years. Further, excessive drinking was responsible for 1 in 5 deaths among adults aged 20-49 years. The economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption in 2010 were estimated at $249 billion, or $2.05 a drink.

What is a standard drink?

US standard drink= 12oz beer (5% ABV), 8 oz malt liquor (7% ABV),5oz wine (12% ABV),1.5oz 80-proof (40% ABV) distilled spirit

In the United States, a standard drink contains 0.6 ounces (14.0 grams or 1.2 tablespoons) of pure alcohol. Generally, this amount of pure alcohol is found in

  • 12-ounces of beer (5% alcohol content).
  • 8-ounces of malt liquor (7% alcohol content).
  • 5-ounces of wine (12% alcohol content).
  • 1.5-ounces of 80-proof (40% alcohol content) distilled spirits or liquor (e.g., gin, rum, vodka, whiskey)

What is excessive drinking?

Excessive drinking includes binge drinking, heavy drinking, and any drinking by pregnant women or people younger than age 21.

  • Binge drinking, the most common form of excessive drinking, is defined as consuming
    • For women, 4 or more drinks during a single occasion.
    • For men, 5 or more drinks during a single occasion.
  • Heavy drinking is defined as consuming
    • For women, 8 or more drinks per week.
    • For men, 15 or more drinks per week.

Most people who drink excessively are not alcoholics or alcohol dependent.

What is moderate drinking?

Drinking in Moderation: 1 drink or less in a day for women; 2 drinks or less in a day for men; or nondrinking

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults of legal drinking age can choose not to drink, or to drink in moderation by limiting intake to 2 drinks or less in a day for men or 1 drink or less in a day for women, on days when alcohol is consumed.4 The Guidelines also do not recommend that individuals who do not drink alcohol start drinking for any reason and that if adults of legal drinking age choose to drink alcoholic beverages, drinking less is better for health than drinking more

About Narcotics Anonymous 12 Step Program


Website: https://nashamukticenter.com/

Contact No:9990213007

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bharatvanshngo

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rehabilitationbharat/


Narcotics Anonymous (NA), founded in 1953, describes itself as a "nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. Narcotics Anonymous uses a 12-step model developed for people with varied substance use disorders and is the second-largest 12-step organization.


According to the philosophy of the NA program, most addicts did not realize they had a problem with drugs until they had no one left. Even if other people pointed out they may have a drug problem they were convinced otherwise. But once an addict on his or her own tries to stop and realizes they cannot, they finally see that drugs have been controlling them. Addicts lived to use and used to live. NA helps show them a different way of life and helps them fight their disease. NA describes addiction as a progressive disease with no known cure, which affects every area of an addict's life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. NA suggests that the disease of addiction can be arrested, and recovery is possible through the NA twelve-step program. The steps never mention drugs or drug use, rather they refer only to addiction, to indicate that addicts have a disease of which drug use is one symptom. In the NA program, all drugs are considered equal, and alcohol is also a drug. Other symptoms include obsession, compulsion, denial, and self-centeredness.


NA calls itself a spiritual program of recovery from the disease of addiction. The NA program places importance on developing a working relationship with a "higher power".The literature suggests that members formulate their own personal understanding of a higher power. The only suggested guidelines are that this power is "loving, caring, and greater than one's self and more powerful than the disease of addiction".

Members are given absolute freedom in coming to an understanding of a higher power that works for them. Individuals from various spiritual and religious backgrounds, as well as many atheists and agnostics, have developed a relationship with their own higher power. NA also makes frequent use of the word "God" and some members who have difficulty with this term substitute "higher power" or read it as an acronym for "Good Orderly Direction".

The twelve steps of the NA program are based upon spiritual principles, three of which are honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness, embodied in the first three steps. These three are hardly exhaustive. The Basic Text of NA says, in Chapter Four, about all twelve steps, "These are the principles which made our recovery possible". According to NA members these principles, when followed to the best of one's ability, allow for a new way of life.

NA meetings usually close with a circle of the participants, a group hug, and a prayer of some sort. Prayers used to close meetings today include the "we" version of the "Serenity Prayer" ("God, Grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference."); the Third Step Prayer ("Take my will and my life. Guide me in my recovery. Show me how to live.") or the "Gratitude Prayer" ("That no addict seeking recovery need ever die. ... My Gratitude speaks when I care and when I share with others the NA way.")


"Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities." (12th Tradition, Basic Text)

Many NA members identify themselves in meetings by their first name only. The spirit of anonymity is about placing "principles before personalities" and recognizing that no individual addict is superior to another and that individual addicts do not recover without the fellowship or its spiritual principles.

The Eleventh Tradition states that NA members "need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films"

Visit Our Website For More Info: https://nashamukticenter.com/

Or Contact Us : 9990213007

Someone Asked A Question Us Do All Patient Stay Together in Nasha Mukti Kendra Or Nasha Mukti Center?

                 Bharat Vansh Nasha Mukti Kendra                                     Question/Answer  Question:   Do All Patient Stay Togeth...